How To Meet Bikini Models
Hands down 100% for sure the best way for anyone to meet and date bikini models is to be a photographer. Every photographer I have ever known meets a ton of models. That’s the reason 95% of guys become photographers. The more models you meet the more you date!
“How many bikini models have you met while at school of work? Most likely zero.”
Whether it be a bikini girl, a fashion model or just pretty girl down the street it all comes down to how do you meet these girls. If you can’t meet them you certainly cannot date them. Most people tend to date people whom they go to school with, they work with, or are in their social environment like the dog park, church, gym, etc. Now with internet dating it’s easier than ever to meet girls.
Dating in general is just a numbers game. The more girls you meet the more likely you are to find a match. The problem is how many bikini models have you met while in school or at work? Most likely zero. The gym or the beach certainly sound like a great place to meet bikini model girls but even if you happen to see a hot girl it’s still difficult to get to know them. So the question is how do you meet a lot of beautiful bikini models?
Even if you are super fit, handsome and rich you still need to meet these girls or you have zero chance of dating them. But you don’t have to be rich, fit or handsome to meet these girls! You just need “a way” to meet them. Hands down 100% the best way for anyone to meet models is to be a photographer. Every photographer I have ever met knows a ton of models. That’s the reason 95% of guys become photographers. Guess what? You too can be a photographer! It’s not rocket science to take a decent photo or to shoot good video. Keep in mind meeting these girls does not mean you can date them. You still need to be a little charming and have some personality but you can learn self confidence and charm with practice. Unless you are extremely awkward you can have what it takes.
“Every photographer I have ever met knows a tons of models and if you really want something in life you just need to work for it!”
Is it going to be cheap?
No… You will need to purchase equipment, purchase software for photo editing, travel and if you decide to build your own website to earn income and get a return on your investment that’s another expense.
Will it take effort?
Yep. It’ll take quite a bit of time, energy and a lot of work. You will need to learn how to shoot good photos, how to shoot and edit good video, figure out how to market a website, and learn how to run it like a business.
But if you really want something in life you just need to work for it. If you already have some photography skills and want to learn more you can’t go wrong with attending a TeaseUm photo workshop.
You’ll be on location with the TeaseUm crew and models and learn exactly what it takes to be a killer photographer. Plus you can polish up your social skills while you are at it! For more info on the workshops send an email to